Student Solution


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Camera Worksheet

Camera Worksheet

Q Student name: Digital Camera Functions Instructions Refer to your camera's manual. If you do not have the paper manual, do a search online for it, you'll more than likely find it online! Fill out this form as comprehensively as possible so that I have a general idea of what type of camera you will be using for the semester. Fill in the answers with BOLD RED When you have completed the form, click Upload on the assignment page. Select the file from the menu, click Open, and then click Submit to Assignment. Digital cameras vary widely and new ones are coming on the market all the time. Unfortunately, it will not be possible for me to know everything about your camera, but I can assist you as best as I can and together we can troubleshoot. Your first assignment in this class is to identify the basic parts and functions of your own camera. The following questions will help you explore your camera and get acquainted with it. Part I Your Camera’s Specifications What is the brand and make of your digital camera? (ie: Canon 7D) What is the focal length of the lens or lenses (expressed in mm)? List any options, such as macro focus. What is the maximum image size (usually in megapixels)? What are the compression levels (fine, low, etc.)? What is the type of memory media (compact flash, SD, etc.), size (gigabytes),and speed (133x, 80x, etc.)? Basic Operations Do you know how to adjust the diopter on the viewfinder to your vision (it’s a tiny wheel or slider)? Do you know how to install batteries (with camera off) and recharge them? Do you know how to install and remove the memory card (while camera is off)? Do you know how to reformat (marks old pictures for deletion and preps card to record new pictures efficiently)? Do you know how to select record or playback mode (take pictures or look at them)? Do you know how to view, navigate, and select the function menus in record and playback modes? Do you know how to focus the camera (usually by pressing the shutter halfway down)? Or does your camera only have auto-focus mode? Do you know how to read the signal LEDs (green, yellow, and/or red) in the viewfinder for focus and exposure? Do you know how to download images to a computer and copy them to a CD or USB drive? Do you know how to display the exposure info and histogram on the back of the camera? Part II Refer to your manual if you need to. Find these settings on your camera. Mark down yes if your camera has the function. Mark down no if it does not. When taking a photograph, many choices can be made. With a digital camera, you can make new choices for each exposure if you wish. So much flexibility also means so many choices. Here below is a checklist of things to remember before you begin photographing. Many may become default settings for your style of taking pictures, others you may want to adjust between shots. The list is ranked from settings you may make once in a while (defaults) to choices you may make from shot to shot. DSLR cameras will have all of these. Image size in pixels. More pixels = more detail and a larger file size. Image quality (high, normal, basic, medium, small, etc) file format image will be stored as (e.g. TIFF, JPEG, RAW) color profile settings (sRGB, Adobe RGB 1998) metering mode (matrix, pattern, spot, average) exposure parameters (vary contrast, saturation, and/or tint upon capture) flash (on, off, slow sync, night mode) please do not use flash in this class. focus (AF, MF or Auto focus, Manual focus) and focus mode (e.g. macro, landscape) These settings may need to be changed frequently depending on shooting conditions: exposure mode (full auto, ‘creative’, programs, Program, Aperture Priority, Time Value, Manual,) ISO (such as 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 , and Auto) white balance (WB) such as auto, daylight, cloudy, tungsten, fluorescent, flash, custom aperture and shutter speed exposure compensation or bracketing (EV+/-, AEB) shutter drive (single, multiple, timer)

Q What is the brand and make of your digital camera? What is the focal length of the lens or lenses (expressed in mm)? List any options, such as macro focus.What is the maximum image size (usually in megapixels)? What are the compression levels (fine, low, etc.)?What is the type of memory media (compact flash, SD, etc.), size (gigabytes),and speed (133x, 80x, etc.)?Do you know how to adjust the diopter on the viewfinder to your vision (it’s a tiny wheel or slider)?

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Nikon D5300 55 to 300mm 6000 x 4000 Compression - fine (approx. 1:4), normal (approx. 1:8), or basic (approx. 1:16) SD – 32GB, 200x speed